Saturday, April 13, 2013

The howling and hollering wind

That we are sitting on the precipice of own our demise can only be doubted by demagogues. And I will tell you why.

Today, I read that riots broke out in Choma after a person alleged to have murdered a taxi driver was arrested by the police. Not long ago, I read of similar incidents in Katete and Lusaka. 

From the pedestal of reason, there is no more doubt in my mind that it is time we started accepting that when a people take to riots on issues that previously did not cause public anger, then there surely is something beneath the public's veil of reticence. 

To all reasoning people of this backward country I call home, please it is time we read the signs and acted justly. Let fear and the tendency to kowtow before little gods not cow us into silence. For tomorrow, like I write somewhere, "“If we do not change our ways, when our children seek our footprints in the sands of history, they will arrive at only one conclusion. ‘We went nowhere'.”"

Further, lest we forget, before the storm there always is the howling and hollering wind. Are these behaviours among our people the wind before the storm? Ora pro nobis.


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